Tuesday 24 September 2019

Denotation and Connotation

                                               Denotation and Connotation

1) In this media text; the denotations are: A boy who is not smiling, mainly a desert , clay wall, trees and a hut/house. Connotations of the desert suggest there isn't much greenery, this could show this isn't a very nature friendly place. The connotations of this hut/house suggest that they don't really have a lot of money to afford a proper house and there aren't many houses for people to live in. The connotations of the clay wall suggests there isn't that much water as it appears as a dry land. The connotations of the boy who is not smiling suggests that he is not very happy where he is, He looks like he has nothing to smile about. The connotations of the trees suggest that there is only one tree so it isn't a very environmental place and it isn't that nice. The producers were trying to make this advert appealing to the audience by using the bold text and placing the boy right at the front.

                       My Advert Denotation and Connotation

2) In this media text;  the denotations are: a half green and a half red packet, coloured bold text, a super hero looking drawing, a red person with fire as hair and a Doritos pack. The connotations of the fire haired man and the red colour suggest his side of the packet is quite hot, fiery, desirable, lovable. The connotations of the super hero looking man and the green are energy, full of life, greed. The connotations of the fire man and the hero suggest they are both as good as each other. The connotations of the bold writing suggest the producer wants their product to be eye catching and fascinating to the audience.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Photoshop Fruit Bowl

                                                       My Photoshop Fruit Bowl

This is my fruit bowl. The palette and colours I chose was the pastel palette. I chose these colours to represent light, soft and calming feelings/emotions, spring pastel colours work well with neutral colours to create a feeling of earthiness and sophistication. Light/pastel colours give of a feeling of happiness. 

Sunday 15 September 2019

GCSE Media concepts blog task


We can tell this is a Film Poster by the text on the poster this usually contains: the film title in large lettering and often the names of the main cast/actors/actresses. This may also include a tagline, the name of the director, names of characters, release dates etc. The conventions of this poster would be the blood as this is a typical representation of a battle/fight because in most sci-fi films you will see some violence and the blood makes that visible. The typical representation of the glimpse of her armour would suggest she is getting ready to have a battle because she is protected. This film was directed by Robert Rodriguez, the story line was created by Yukito Kishiro and the main character is Rosa Salazar. The colours and lighting aren't particularly bright or colourful they are very dim and dark which gives of a bad vibe. There isn't really any lighting. The main image make us question who is that girl as it comes off as very mysterious.


The companies behind this film include 20th century fox (well known for movies such as Deadpool, Anastasia, X - Men, Ice age etc.) Troublemaker studios, Lightstorm entertainment and TSG entertainment. The box office would be making money from this film as well as cast and directors. Alita: Battle angel approximately made $30,000,000 worldwide this clearly suggests that this movie was loved by many people across the world and many people took interest in this movie otherwise they would not be making that type of money.


This poster could possibly represent a fight as the girl is rubbing blood on her face this could suggest she is very violent/aggressive or perhaps strong/fearless/resilient, this makes the reader feel eager to watch this movie. This could also suggest the girl is getting ready for a fight of some kind which makes people want to watch the movie as many people love watching Action/Adventure/Sci - fi movies. The fact that the lady is rubbing blood on her face is a very subversive image as many women are found to be weaker than men and normally are said to need protection from men. I think the appropriate age range to watch this movie would be a young adult because the Protagonist herself looks quite young.  


The audience for this film would definitely be 12a+ because as we can see there is blood on the girl's face this gives of a mysterious/dark type of feel as well as the dark background this could show she is alone and must fight for her life.
Women are normally seen to be weaker than men so this is a very questionable image. I think this movie is predominantly aimed at females because of the image we see for the cover. 


Tuesday 10 September 2019

First Blog Task

                                     First Blog Task 

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most?

I am looking forward to learning how to use Photoshop because this would teach me how to edit better.

2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?

I am hoping to develop my writing skills and editing skills as I think that could help me in the Future. 

3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?

I am hoping to achieve a grade 5+ in GCSE Media Studies.

4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?

The Last TV Programme I watched was called 'Insatiable'.

5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience?

I think 'Insatiable' appealed to the audience because it is about bullying and how a girl turns from the so called fat girl to the girl everyone is in love with, this appeals to people especially teens as it happens in High School a lot and many people/teens love watching stuff like that. Another way that this appeals to an audience is that it's about bullying and bullying is a serious thing. The story line of this series is mainly aimed at taking revenge on those who hurt her and the people that made her feel worthless.

6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)

In the last 24 hours I have watched television and I've also been on my phone to access media.

7) What device do you use most to access the media?

The device I use most to access media would definitely be my phone as I'm on it all the time.

9) Why was the casting of Jodie Whittaker a significant moment in the history of Doctor Who?

The casting of Jodie Whittaker was a significant moment in the history of doctor who because this would be the first time a lady would take the role as Doctor Who.

10) What aspects of this scene do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect.

  •  I definitely think that the scene where the man turns into a lady would have defnitely shocked many viewers but also made them very happy that Doctor who would now be a lady as this empowers many women to be proud of their gender.
  •  When the man Doctor who starts to get weaker and weaker would have made many viewers quite distressed because his power is draining but it shows that there is a road ahead when the light shone through Doctor Who.
  •  Last but not least the viewers must be horrified at what happened to Jodie Whittaker at the end because it was entirely unexpected and strange. The camera movement made it seem more mysterious.