Tuesday 17 December 2019

Audience Essay feedback

Raisa, GCSE Media blog feedback – Audience Essay feedback  (December 2019):
Raisa, it has been so lovely to see your determination in Media Studies! You have always gone above and beyond to try and aim for the best possible grade in Media Studies. In the New Year, I would like to see more contributions in class discussions because everybody should hear your wonderful ideas.
·         Great attempt at a balanced argument!
·         Some lovely advantages and disadvantages used.
·         There are still some SPAG issues.
·         You should add real like examples of these advantages and disadvantages, e.g. rise of the bedroom producers (Justin Bieber on YouTube), decline in popularity of hard copies of movies and CDs (closing of Blockbuster and fewer HMV stores).
·         Correct any SPAG issues.
·         Try and incorporate more media terminology/sophisticated vocab wherever possible – detrimental, on demand, decline in profits, scheduled programming, Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer, UGC, citizen journalism, bedroom producers.

·         Ensure paragraphs begin with advantages to audiences and then moves on to disadvantages to audiences and producers.


Positive and negative changes have happened to the music industry since the rise of the internet such as: one positive change is that musicians have more control over their own fates. You are now able to produce music, upload it to the internet (YouTube), Justin Bieber's fame started because of YouTube (Bedroom producers) and so he could promote his music to a wider audience. Sales of physical product (CD's, Cassettes etc.) have decreased and digital music has increased phenomenally since the rise of the internet (we now have Spotify/YouTube Music/Apple music etc.), this is because we can now access music from anywhere such as our phones/tablets/laptops/computers so it isn't necessary for us to go to a shop (UGC, Lucky seven, Zen records etc.) and buy devices to play music on such as the Phonograph (record player which was made in 1877), this is detrimental for the people who sell physical music in stores because now we can download music from any device so people who sell physical product lose money but this is good for musicians who release their music online. Streaming is the main reason of massive changes in the music industry. Social media has also had a great impact on the music industry since musicians now have the capability of reaching out/contacting and interacting with their fans, which helps them create a closer community with their fans (positive). Twenty years ago, consumers relied more heavily on CD's/cassettes, people would take CD's/cassettes to parties etc. and now that has completely vanished because of the internet (negative). Consumers illegally use programmes (Napster, Limewire) to pirate music, waiting many hours to download a single track, this has become a widespread problem in which not everyone is aware of and producers lose out on money. Another negative change is the internet has made it more difficult for artists (and their labels, when applicable) to make a decent amount of money from music sales (negative).


The positive changes of film and television since the rise of the internet include: we can now access movies/shows from anywhere such as Netflix, BBC Iplayer, Amazon Prime and much more and we needn't wait till a programme airs on TV since we can now record TV shows and watch them whenever, this is known as ' on demand'. We as an audience can now find new movies/TV shows that we never knew about and so we start watching that. Another positive change of the film and television industry since the rise of the internet is producers can now spread upcoming movies/TV shows to a wider audience, more people are able to see movies/TV shows that will be coming soon because producers create multiple social media accounts for new upcoming movies which creates a hype for us as an audience. A couple of negative changes of film and television since the rise of the internet include: People are illegally leaking out films that haven't been released yet in the Cinema therefore companies are losing a lot of money since people may have already watched it already via leaked movies. Since people can write reviews on social media, they can post negative reviews which results in a decline of money for producers.


An advantage that has happened to the news industry since the rise of the internet is: we can access news online without having to go in stores to get a newspaper print. We hear about the latest news stories via notifications on our phones. Social media has become the main source of news online with more than a million users of the internet, a high amount of people receive breaking news from many social media platforms. Disadvantages of news since the rise of the internet consist of: a decrease in how much of an article people actually read. Most people will just scroll through their news feed and just read the Headline or watch a video attached to that article, that takes roughly 15-20 seconds then people will carry on scrolling. An article needs to be "liked" or "shared" before it can appear in your feed so therefore producers and our social media friends have control over what we see and what we don't see. Masses of 'fake news' is spread across the internet and it is easy for producers to get people that read their articles to believe what they are seeing, this is a negative change of news since the rise of the internet. 

Thursday 5 December 2019

Film Industry: Marketing - Marvel Cinematic Universe

1) How many films are there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

There are 22 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

2) How much money have the MCU films made in total so far?

The MCU film industry has made over $18.2bn in total so far.

3) Why did Marvel create the Avengers films?

Marvel's plans for its films are structured in phases. with each one ending with an Avenger's crossover movie. 

4) What will Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe involve?

Phase four begins with the release of Spider-man: Far from Home on July 5th 2019. According to producer Amy Pascal, the film "will start a few a few minutes after Avengers 4 wraps as a story".

5) What will happen with Doctor Strange and who is the main star?

Marvel studios Kevin Feige has confirmed Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange will return for a sequel  at "some point in the future".

6) Who owns the rights to Spiderman and why is the character now appearing in Marvel films?

Sony now owns the rights to Spiderman 

7) Which company owns the rights to the Fantastic Four and the X-Men?

20th Century Fox now owns the rights to Fantastic Four and the X-men. Sony and Marvel have now agreed a partnership that allows Tom Holland's Spider-man to appear in MCU films, while Sony retains the rights to the character.

8) Look at the very end of the article. What has Disney announced regarding TV shows on their new streaming service Disney+?

Disney has announced plans for several new Marvel TV series, including one based on Thor's adopted brother Loki, on their new streaming service, Disney+.